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Quotes on Climate action #1

Writer's picture: Gokhan GureserGokhan Gureser

Updated: Jul 4, 2023

Jonas Samuelson, President & CEO, AB Electrolux, said:

"Climate change remains one of the most urgent challenges for society and we all need to accelerate our actions to reach the 1.5 degree ambition set up in the Paris Agreement. Electrolux is committed to become climate neutral in operations by 2030 and across our value chain by 2050. We encourage EU heads to sharpen emissions reduction targets and deliver on the EU ambition to become climate neutral by 2050."

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Abora Solar: Marta Cañada, CTO, Abora Solar S.L. said: “The fight to contain climate change should be our priority, and this requires a commitment from everyone.”

Jean-Marc Ollagnier, CEO – Europe, Accenture said: “Time is of the essence, so setting higher EU2030 targets is critical. Profit and purpose are inextricably linked for business, so sustainability should be seen as a huge opportunity, particularly in Europe where we are already ahead in many aspects of the sustainability agenda. This is the moment for companies, government and society to work hand in hand to rebuild together and transform our economy into one that works for the benefit of all.”

ACCIONA: Jose Manuel Entrecanales Domeq, Chairman and CEO: “EU Taxonomy will undoubtedly uncover the true nature of each business, driving ESG-conscious capital to where it actually belongs”

ACEA Group: Giuseppe Gola, CEO, ACEA Group said: “We firmly believe that the fight against climate change is fundamental for the future of all of us and that Europe and companies must demonstrate the greatest possible commitment. Acea, an important Italian multi-utility, has been responding to the CDP – Climate questionnaire since 2006, through which it demonstrates, in particular, its initiatives to reduce GHG emissions, and in 2020 has undertaken an even more challenging path to align itself with the TCFD recommendations”.

ACEA Group: Giuseppe Gola, CEO, ACEA Group, said: “Siamo convinti che il contrasto al cambiamento climatico sia fondamentali per il futuro di tutti noi e che l’Europa e le Imprese debbano dimostrare il massimo impegno possibile. Acea, multiutility italiana, dal 2006 aderisce al questionario CDP attraverso il quale dimostra, in particolare, le proprie iniziative per ridurre le emissioni climalteranti ed ha intrapreso nel 2020 un percorso ancora più sfidante per allinearsi alle Raccomandazioni della TCFD.”

ALDI SOUTH Group: Christoph Schwaiger, CEO Global Sourcing and CR International, ALDI SOUTH Group said: “We believe that the increase of the carbon emissions target will help the European Union to become climate neutral by 2050. This supports a clear political framework that will also act as the base for our climate activities: We are committed to minimise our environmental footprint.”

Alstom: Henri Poupart-Lafarge, CEO and Chairman, Alstom: “Raising the climate target ambition at EU level is key. A sustainable approach is an essential pillar of Alstom’s strategic plan. We are fully committed to developing sustainable mobility solutions to decrease GHG emissions, reducing the energy consumption of solutions by 25% by 2025 vs 2014. For our operations, we have committee to suing 100% of electricity from renewable sources by 2025.”

Amundi: Yves Perrier, CEO of Amundi, said: “Europe must continue to show leadership in building a resilient and inclusive economy. Success in the implementation of the EU Green recovery plan and a clear, ambitious and integrated climate policy framework, in line with the Paris agreement commitments, are critical factors of capital mobilization.”

Anglian Water: Peter Simpson, CEO, Anglian Water Group, said: “The progress we’ve made at Anglian Water on cutting carbon, creating renewable energy and securing green finance is already driving huge environmental and social benefits. But reaching net zero by 2030 – our shared water industry goal – will take leadership and the shifting of frontiers of performance.”

Apple: Lisa Jackson, Vice President of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives, Apple, said: “The choice between a healthy planet and good business strategy has always been a false one, and we’ve proved that with a company that runs on 100% clean energy and a supply chain transitioning to do the same. As Apple works towards 100% carbon neutral products and a carbon neutral supply chain by 2030, we’ll continue to call for the strong global targets we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect this planet for future generations.”

More Quotes on Climate :

Armacell: Patrick Mathieu, President & CEO, Armacell, said: “We fully support higher climate goals and emissions reduction targets for 2030. Armacell’s DNA is energy conservation and hence a reduction of the global carbon footprint.”

Asja Ambiente Italia: Agostino Re Rebaudengo, Chairman and CEO, Asja Ambiente Italia said: “Asja is a long-time supporter of the fight against climate change: raising the EU 2030 GHG emissions reduction target to at least 55% is one of the fundamental steps in order to create new investments, green jobs and to speed up the regeneration of a resilient economy.”

Assicurazioni Generali: Philippe Donnet, CEO, Assicurazioni Generali said: “Generali shares the sense of urgency on the climate crisis. An increase of the EU GHG emissions reduction target for 2030 is about accelerating the implementation of the Paris agreement and leading by example.”

Capgemini: Aiman Ezzat, CEO of Capgemini Group, Capgemini said: “We are delighted to join with other leading CEOs to call for increased ambition across Europe. Addressing climate change issues must be at the heart of company strategies. That’s why we’ve recently announced our commitment to an ambitious target of net zero for the Capgemini Group by 2030."

Carlsberg Group: Cees 't Hart, CEO, Carlsberg Group, said: “We encourage ambitious climate action as part of the EU recovery package to drive action towards the Paris agreement from companies and civil society as a whole. Carlsberg is working towards the Science Based Targets outlined in our Sustainability Programme Together Towards ZERO and I am certain that if we all work together in partnership, we can ensure the transition to a resilient, low-carbon world.”

Cattolica Assicurazioni: Massimo di Tria, CIO, Cattolica Assicurazioni, said: “Emission reduction and green recovery cannot be further postponed. The time for climate action is now. The way forward is together.”

CEMEX: Sergio Menendez, President CEMEX EMEAA, CEMEX: ‘CEMEX believes that this vital step by the EU will help the Company move ahead with confidence in our Climate Action Strategy and continue advancing towards our vision of a carbon-neutral economy. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our time, and we believe that the construction sector can continue to address it safely as a fundamental component of the efforts to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.’ -

Church Commissioners for England: Gareth Mostyn, CEO, Church Commissioners for England: “The Church Commissioners are committed to transitioning our portfolio to net zero GHG emissions by 2050. We look to policy makers to put in place measures which enable changes in the real economy, which can help to drive this transition and the investment needed to support it. An enhanced EU 2030 target would both steer the policy framework, and drive the economic transformations needed globally”.

Coca-Cola European Partners: Damian Gammell, CEO, Coca-Cola European Partners: “Climate change is the world’s most urgent environmental challenge, and we must transition towards a climate neutral and sustainable economy. We support the EU’s ambition to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and set a clearly defined target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. At Coca-Cola European Partners, we’ve halved GHG emissions since 2010 and moved to 100% renewable electricity. We’ve set science-based carbon reduction targets and will continue to invest to decarbonize our business. We know there is much more we can do, and we want to see business and governments come together to build back better from the impact of COVID-19 and support the transition towards a climate neutral and sustainable economy.”

Consolar Solare Energiesysteme GmbH: Andreas Siegemund, CEO, Consolar Solare Energiesysteme GmbH said: “Consolar fully supports the initiative to increase the climate targets and intensify corresponding efforts. We are convinced that we have to act very ambitiously and contribute to appropriate technical solutions ourselves.”

Contazara, S.A.: Isaac Navarro Cabeza, CEO, Contazara, S.A. said: “CONTAZARA is committed with the EU GHG emissions reduction for 2030 by means of water, energy and raw materials efficiency and using clean energy at 100% and low carbon technologies. It is time for action now.”

Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche SpA, Giacomo Mareschi Danieli, CEO, Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche SpA, said: “Danieli is fully committed to the development of new technologies to achieve a substantial reduction in GHG emissions for the steel industry in line with the 2030 target; this is the route to follow in order to produce real Green Steel for use in a sustainable industry on worldwide basis.”

Deutsche Telekom AG: Timotheus Höttges, CEO, Deutsche Telekom AG, said: “Deutsche Telekom supports an ambitious target of reducing CO2 emissions in the EU by at least 55% until 2030. What matters most, is getting it done. Therefore, we are dedicated to reducing our impact on the environment as well as that of our customers. By 2030, we will reduce our own CO2 emissions footprint by 90% and by 25% per customer for all value chain emissions compared to 2017.”

Deutsche Wohnen SE: Michael Zahn, CEO, Deutsche Wohnen SE, said: “The Earth's atmosphere has only a limited capacity to absorb GHG emissions before the tipping points are exceeded. Taking note of this, we must now take our climate objectives seriously and do everything possible to reduce greenhouse gases. The building sector has a special responsibility, and we as a company want to live up to it.”

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