DIEPENSTEYN NV: Bart Van Muylder, CEO, said: “Turn this crisis into an opportunity and ACT NOW!”
E-voyages Ltd: Emmanuelle Spriet, CEO, E-voyages Ltd said: "E-voyages strongly believes that it is key for the EU to reduce its emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and to be net-zero by 2050. As a tourism operator we recognise the importance of the carbon neutral target and are integrating this target in our corporate objectives. The COVID crisis has given us all an opportunity to accelerate the implementation of these ambitious but vital targets. Now is the time to rebuild a better world for the future generations and it must start here and now!"
Earth Capital: Gordon Power, Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Earth Capital, said: “It seems fundamentally wrong to push recovery for recovery’s sake, or economic growth for growth’s sake. We know other emergencies are threatening our socio-economic prosperity. We, therefore, need a focus on recovery based on green and digital transition inline with our long term climate and societal goals.”
EDF: Jean-Bernard Levy, Chairman and CEO, EDF, said: “I support a 2030 ambition for Europe of at least 55% reduction in CO2 emissions. A cost-effective electrification of the European economy, furthering the use of low carbon electricity and innovative solutions in transport, housing and industrial processes, is not only what is right for the climate, but is also a matter of industrial policy and energy security. EDF’s electricity production in Europe is already more than 90% low-carbon today and EDF will continue to be a key player of this breakthrough in the next decade.”
EDP - Energias de Portugal: Miguel Stilwell de Andrade, interim CEO, EDP said: “Climate science and civil society are in total agreement - we need faster action on climate change starting from now. The regulatory direction set by the EU has delivered huge growth in areas like renewable energy and we must keep up the policy momentum if we want to see similar changes in areas like transport, heat and heavy industry. We’ll support policymakers every step of the way to a Net Zero world by 2050.”
Efacec Power Solutions: Ângelo Ramalho, CEO, Efacec Power Solutions said: “Efacec welcomes the increased EU GHG emissions reduction target to 55% (2030) and is totally committed to enable a Net Zero Future.”
Eneco: Kees-Jan Rameau, Chief Strategic Growth Officer, Eneco, said: “The challenges posed by the economic impacts of COVID-19 require that EU leaders adopt robust policies that help to accelerate investments in the green transition, including offshore wind, the electrification of industry and zero-emission vehicles. We are ready to invest in green growth.”
Enel: Francesco Starace, CEO Enel, said: “Enel co-signs the CEO letter to raise the EU 2030 GHG emissions reduction target to at least 55%, along with supporting an ambitious implementation of the Recovery Plan, needed to foster the green and digital transition, while underpinning sustainable economic growth and job creation."
Engie: Claire Waysand, CEO, Engie said: “Europe will be instrumental in shaping the fight against climate change. As a leader in renewable energies, including green gases, and in energy efficiency, Engie fully supports the ambition of the European Commission to reduce GHG emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and helps reach these goals.”
EnviroBuild: James Brueton, CEO, EnviroBuild said: “It is essential for the EU to reduce its emissions by at least 55% by 2030. As we move on and recover from COVID-19 it is now critical that we ensure clear and ambitious targets are set to reach net zero by 2050.”
Enviva: John Keppler, Chairman and CEO, Enviva, said: “There is no way to achieve ‘Net Zero’ carbon reductions and effectively address climate change without a radical rethink on how we utilize and leverage bioenergy. Enviva fully supports efforts to increase 2030 emissions reduction targets and firmly believes that sustainably sourced wood biomass is a critical pathway to achieving this goal. Increasing 2030 emissions targets is an important component of the ambitious and aggressive actions we must take if we plan to succeed in eliminating additional carbon emissions from entering the environment by 2050.”
ERG SpA: Luca Bettonte, CEO, ERG Spa, said: "It is important that European countries, institutions and companies show leadership and indicate a clear, ambitious pathway to help the European economy recover from the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare it for future challenges such as the climate crisis. Renewable energy companies will play a vital role in any just transition to a cleaner economy."
ESG Portfolio Management GmbH: Christoph Klein, Managing Partner, ESG Portfolio Management GmbH, said: “If we do not reduce global warming soon, company profits will become meaningless.”
Europamundo Vacaciones, Luis García Codrón, CEO, Europamundo Vacaciones, said: “Europamundo supports the fight against climate change for a net zero emissions future by 2050.”
EVA Global: Donald Hopper, Co-Founder & CEO, EVA Global, said: “EVA Global fully supports the call for reducing GHG emissions by at least 55% by 2030. As the leading Managed Services and Customer Experience Provider in eMobility, our focus naturally lies with transport electrification for a sustainable future. This will be achieved through innovation by stakeholders as well as more ambitious climate targets. EVA Global wholeheartedly defends the need to increase climate protection ambitions at the EU level whilst continuing to support innovation for a cleaner future.”
EVBox Group: Kristof Vereenooghe, CEO, EVBox Group, said: “We are determined to lead the race to zero-emissions and count on European political leadership to also rise up to the challenge.”
Ferrovial: Valentín Alfaya, Chief Sustainability Officer, Ferrovial, said: “Global targets in Ferrovial’s plan Horizon 2030 have been verified by the Science Based Targets initiative, aligned with the 2degrees scenarios in the. Among the objectives lies our commitment to achieve a 32% reduction of scopes 1 and 2 by 2030. Likewise, we are committed to reducing emissions from scope 3 by 20% until 2030, using 2012 as a year of reference.”
Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane: Gianfranco Battisti, CEO and General Manager, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane said: “I committed in 2019 to take a leading role in the actions to prevent climate change and I pledged in 2019 that FS Italiane will be carbon neutral by 2050 and reduce emissions by 55% in 2030 vs 1990. Even though rail is the most emission efficient transport mode, as a major company, we engage ourselves to further improve.”
More quotes on Climate:
Firmenich, Gilbert Ghostine, CEO: “Firmenich fully supports the EU’s ambition to reduce EU GHG by 55% by 2030. Today, all Firmenich operations are powered by 100% renewable electricity, we have set science-based targets aligned with limiting global warming to 1.5°C, and we are on a journey towards zero impact. We can only preserve the planet for generations to come if companies and governments act together to build a clear path towards carbon neutrality.”
FLSmidth: Fleming Voetman, Vice President Communications, Marketing & Sustainability, FLSmidth A/S: “Setting higher 2030 climate targets in Europe should accelerate the transition for all sectors. This is particularly important for long-lived industrial assets like cement factories. The necessary investments, innovation and partnerships must be established in the coming decade for the industry to be on track towards carbon neutrality by mid-century.”
Formula E Holdings: Jamie Reigle, CEO, Formula E Holdings, said: “The ABB FIA Formula E Championship fully supports the UN’s 2030 Race to Zero targets to reduce emissions. We remain focused on reducing our own carbon footprint and aligning our emissions to climate science by 2030. We believe in the power of working together to create better futures for generations to come.”
Fortum Corporation: Markus, Rauramo, President and CEO, Fortum Corporation, said: “At Fortum, we find it important and necessary to tighten the 2030 climate target to at least 55% for Europe to reach carbon neutrality by mid-century. We believe that the reinforced and extended emissions trading system would be the best tool for pursuing the goal, while costly overlapping policies should be avoided.”
Geelen Counterflow: Sander Geelen, CEO Geelen Counterflow, said: “The existing EU targets for GHG emissions will not keep warming below 1.5C. We need more ambitious targets to avoid damage to the planetary support systems that sustain our society and economy. The necessary investments will pay for themselves, just like investments in economic support systems like healthcare and education.”
Girteka Logistics: Mr. Edvardas Liachovičius, CEO, Girteka Logistics said: “Today trucks account for only 2% of vehicles on the road. Yet they are responsible for 22% of road transport CO2 emissions in the EU. We cannot meet the Paris agreement without decarbonising road freight. Replacing our 7.400 Euro 6 trucks with zero-emission vehicles is a must. Joining ECTA (European Clean Trucking Alliance) brings a strong and united voice to our common goal of having zero-emission trucks.”
Givaudan: Gilles Andrier, CEO, Givaudan: “The climate crisis means business as usual is no longer acceptable and we must work together to accelerate action. We support the setting of ambitious 2030 Eu climate targets and will continue to work towards our own 2030 targets of cutting emission by 70% and our bold ambition to become climate positive before 2050.”
Glennmont Partners: Joost Bergsma, CEO and Managing Partner, Glennmont Partners, said: “The development of the European clean energy industry has been driven in large part by the existing EU decarbonisation targets. An EU objective of reducing domestic greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 and associated objectives will be key in helping to mitigate the worst effects of climate change and promises to build upon this successful history of partnership between government and industry.”
Google, Matt Brittin, President, EMEA Business & Operations, Google said: “We’re proud to support the EC's ambitious goal to make Europe the world’s first carbon-neutral continent. At Google, our goal is to run our global operations on carbon-free energy 24/7 and we aim to get there by 2030. We’re also committed to playing our part by supporting strong policy action and helping others take climate action with technology and tools for a carbon free future.”
Grundfos: Mads Nipper, CEO, Grundfos, said: “Though governments are busy confronting the economic and health emergencies brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we must not lose sight of the historic opportunity that has presented itself. Now is the time to create the conditions for a society-wide transition to a low-carbon sustainable future and to show commitment by increasing the EU-reduction targets.”
H&M Group, Helena Helmersson, CEO, H&M Group said: “We are committed to take responsibility to reach our climate positive ambition and contribute to ambitious global emission reduction targets. We need to take responsibility of our future together, and now companies and governments have to collaborate closer than ever before. Transparency and circularity must be the core of the leadership we need in the transition to a fossil free economy.”
Iberdrola: Ignacio S. Galán, Chairman and CEO, Iberdrola said: “Europe must continue to be at the forefront of global efforts to address the climate crisis. An increased EU Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), which clearly defines a target to reduce GHG emissions by at least 55% by 2030, will ensure we are moving positively towards climate neutrality. An ambitious approach to climate action is key for a robust and green recovery from the Covid-19 crisis with the European Green Deal and the recovery package implementation at its core.
Policy frameworks and recovery plans must quickly set clear and predictable signals to unlock the investments required to build back a stronger economy and society and create sustainable jobs. The resources, technology and knowledge to quickly drive a green recovery are already in place.”